Two by four lofting

In this somewhat humorous video clip, Trumbly describes how he assisted CLK Yacht Crafters in lofting Aquila, though he does not mention the company or anyone involved by name. The video demonstrates Trumbly’s availability as a resource for the boatbuilding industry in Tacoma. Trumbly tells how Chuck Knapp, never having lofted a boat before, was trying to use two-by-four lumber for lofting battens, on the advice of someone who also did not know lofting. Chuck was a smart guy and an accomplished boatbuilder, but simply had not lofted before and did not know what to do. I verified this story with Chuck later. Chuck actually lofted most of the boat and figured the mold bevels after Trumbly explained how to do it. Chuck’s loft was accurate, as I made patterns and molds from it, and the resulting plug was fair.

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