Dedicated to information on Joe Trumbly, the Bates Boatbuilding Program, and Tacoma boatbuilding
Trumbly 38 decking
Rob Cramblett laying down second layer of cold-molded red cedar decking.
Cold-molded red cedar underdecking.
Lazarette hatch and under decking.
Installing teak decking along the sheer.
Teak decking installed on the foredeck.
Installing decking on the foredeck.
Teak decking on foredeck.
Installing teak decking in the cockpit.
Plugging countersink holes on decking.
Adding rubber compound to the deck seams, but it looks like there was an accident. L to R, Patrick Chapman, Dean Goodrich, George Chambers, Rob Cramblett.
Foredeck decking installed, ready for rubber compound in seams..