Dedicated to information on Joe Trumbly, the Bates Boatbuilding Program, and Tacoma boatbuilding
Puget Sound boatyards
The photos in this section came from field trips made by the Bates Boatbuilding class to boatyards and other boat-related companies around Puget Sound. Coolidge Propeller is not a boatyard, but it is obviously related to the boat industry. The photos from Mantra Marine came from a visit Patrick Chapman and I made outside class; we had seen Ed Beck’s boats in Kodiak and wanted to see where they were built. The boatyards shown here represent a small fraction of the boatbuilding industry active in the Puget Sound area from Bellingham to Olympia in the 1970s.
Ron Jones hydroplane shop, Seattle
Ron Jones hydroplane shop, Seattle.
Ron Jones hydroplane under construction, view from bow.
Ron Jones hydroplane under construction, side view.
Patterns, Ron Jones hydroplane shop.
Mantra Marine, Seattle
Mantra Marine, Seattle. Shallow-draft seiner Blue Star under construction.