Photos of Joe Trumbly

Joe Trumbly boatbuilder
Portrait of Trumbly in home shop, Raft Island, ca. March 1979.
Joe Trumbly boatbuilder
Trumbly working in his home shop, ca. March 1979.
Joe Trumbly boatbuilder
Trumbly sitting in skeleton of 52-foot cold-molded sailboat under construction, Raft Island.
Joe Trumbly boatbuilder
Trumbly on motorcycle, ready to head home after a day at Bates.
Joe Trumbly boatbuilder
Trumbly helping a student with boat design, Bates classroom.
Joe Trumbly boatbuilder
Trumbly overseeing work in the Bates boatbuilding shop.
Joe Trumbly boatbuilder
Trumbly helping cut rabbet on keel of Brian Saucier's boat.
Joe Trumbly boatbuilder
Trumbly helping with Brian Saucier's keel.
Joe Trumbly boatbuilder
Trumbly teaching, Bates shop.
Joe Trumbly boatbuilder
Trumbly explaining about setting up of backbone.

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