Dedicated to information on Joe Trumbly, the Bates Boatbuilding Program, and Tacoma boatbuilding
Knapp Boatbuilding
I worked on Macs’ Effort at Knapp Boatbuilding, owned by Don Knapp, for several weeks in the spring of 1978. After Macs’ Effort was launched, Chuck Knapp incorporated a new company, CLK Yacht Crafters (CLK = Charles L. Knapp) and rented Don’s shop building and equipment to begin to produce a mold for a 52-foot fiberglass sailboat having the brand name Aquila. Work on Aquila actually began at Knapp Boatbuilding while Macs’ Effort was still in the shop; Chuck lofted Aquila, and I began to make half-mold patterns from the loft, and frame molds from the patterns. For continuity, all photos relating to Aquila are in the “CLK Yacht Crafters” section of the photo gallery.
Knapp Boatbuilding, Macs' Effort in shop; Don Knapp (L) with the MacPherson brothers, the owners. The loft for Aquila can be seen in the lower right-hand portion of the photo.
Same view, different people: Tim Chambers (L) and carpenter Gary.
Macs' Effort at a late stage of construction.
Macs' Effort leaving the shop (in background) to be launched; Don Knapp close to stern.
Macs' Effort on mobile cradle.
Macs' effort moving to Hylebos Boat Haven for launching; L to R, Chuck Knapp, a MacPherson, and Don Knapp.
Macs' Effort in Hylebos Boat Haven, on the way to launching, the MacPherson brothers looking on.
Don Knapp at stern of Macs' Effort, while Chuck Knapp and Griz work on installing the propellers.
Macs' Effort, one propeller installed and one to go; Chuck Knapp at right.
Preparing to christen Macs' Effort; L to R, MacPherson brother, Don Knapp, MacPherson brother, (mother of the Macphersons?), Chuck Knapp, unidentified man.