Dedicated to information on Joe Trumbly, the Bates Boatbuilding Program, and Tacoma boatbuilding
CLK Yacht Crafters
The photos in this section show stages in the construction of a plug and subsequent mold for laying up fiberglass hulls of the Aquila brand 52-foot sailboat. There are gaps in the photo coverage of this process because I did not work on all stages of the project. I have no photos of strip planking the plug, which must have occurred in August 1978, when Bates was in recess and I took a trip to Alaska. I am sure that I have photos of laying up the mold and polishing the inside, and of the completed mold, but cannot find them. If I do find them, I’ll add them. For now, this is what I have.
Lofting of Aquila underway at Knapp Boatbuilding / CLK Yacht Crafters, summer 1978; Macs' Effort is still in the shop to left.
Aquila: making mold patterns from the loft.
Leveling and squaring strongback for Aquila plug and adding station lines. All of the frame molds have been completed and are stacked to the right.
Chuck Knapp (L) and Earl Edwards with strongback for Aquila plug. Frame molds stacked against wall to left.
Jim Burba's son with completed strongback; patterns and completed frame molds stacked against wall to left.
Erection of first frame mold on Aquila strongback.