Knapp Boatbuilding 2 Christening of Macs' Effort. Don Knapp looks on as Macs' Effort is lowered to the water. Earl Edwards drinking champagne at dockside launching party. Chuck Knapp (R) and Knapp Boatbuilding worker Chris at dockside launching party. Sandra ("Breezy") Marcy at far left with polaroid camera. Don Knapp leans pensively on Macs' Effort just after launching. <Prev. Next> Previous Knapp Boatbuilding shop on Marine View Drive, next to Hylebos Marina, photo taken sometime after 2003; the building and its color are virtually unchanged since the late 1970s. Previous Knapp Boatbuilding shop (left), with alley between it and Hylebos Marina boat-storage yard. Previous Knapp Boatbuilding shop from rear.