Tacoma area waterfront 3

The following photos show Hylebos Marina, situated next to what was previously Knapp Boatbuilding (it was named Hyatt’s Harbor Service at the time the photos were taken, sometime after 2003). Hylebos Marina may previously been called Hylebos Boat Haven, which is what I called it in “The Trumbly Show.” The boat sheds and floating docks are/were on Hylebos Waterway, behind the Knapp shop and Hylebos Marina. These photos are scans from prints rather than from the negatives.

Rear side of buildings at Hylebos Marina, including the shop where I believe the Knapps built some of their boats before they constructed their own shop.
This and the next two photos form a panorama of the floating dock and boat houses behind Hylebos Marina.
Another view from a different direction of the dock and boathouses in the previous three images.